Использование OCS Inventory integration extension

Доброго дня!
Подключил дополнение OCS Inventory integration extension, синхронизация частично проходит, например в iTOP подтянулись физические интерфейсы из OCS, на этом собственно и всё.
Хотелось бы что бы в iTOP создавались Физические ПК, при синхронизации с OCS.

При синхронизации я вижу что бы были ошибки:

Не создаются КЕ сервера, как я понял потому что поле org_id пусто, но не могу понять на чьей стороне оно должно быть заполнено… То есть в iTOP есть поле org_id, которому нечего сопоставить при синхронизации из OCS ?

Добрый день. Как решилась проблема?
У меня такая же ситуация… В iTop есть поле org_id(int) , в источнике синхронизации создается поле org_id(varchar). Почему они создаются с разными типами?

itop synchro

Тут всё верно. Varchar потому что в качестве org_id из внешней системы может приходить что угодно, и это “что угодно” в дальнейшем будет использовано айтопом для поиска и сопоставление нужной организации.

Добрый день, Vladimir
Заработало - завел организацию в itop с названием, которое совпадает с названием из org_id в настройках синхронизации в ocs inventory.
А где можно посмотреть на механизм - как itop ищет и сопоставляет, например организацию?

В настройках источника синхронизации в айтопе на вкладке Атрибуты.

Ну вот как пример, есть такая ошибка синхронизации(на картинке). Судя по информации из Атрибутов short_name не сопоставляется ни с чем, БД это поле varchar(255) и в него и загружается varchar. Куда смотреть чтобы понять где причина ошибки…?

Сюда же смотреть и переводить текст ошибки. К поиску и сопоставлению это отношения не имеет, т.к. это поле не является ссылкой на другой объект. Теперь айтопу не нравится формат того, что пытается лечь в Short Name. Попробуй руками в интерфейсе указать то же значение, что в синхротаблице для этого поля лежит.

действительно itop почему-то не хотел числа видеть в этом поле…
благодарю за подсказки, очень помогло!

Добрый день! Направьте пожалуйста меня, куда именно смотреть: синхронизировал OCS Inventory и iTop, вот лог:

    >     root@ocs:/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector# php exec.php
    [2021-03-16 12:57:16]   [Info]  TeemIp is installed on remote iTop server
    [2021-03-16 12:57:16]   [Info]  IP Discovery extension is installed on remote iTop server
    [2021-03-16 12:57:17]   [Info]  TeemIp Zone Management is installed on remote iTop serve
    [2021-03-16 12:57:17]   [Info]  IPs will be collected
    [2021-03-16 12:57:17]   [Info]  Contact to notify: 'Семён Касаткин' <samjon@inbox.ru> (2).
    [2021-03-16 12:57:17]   [Info]  Synchro User: 'REST_API' <> (2).
    [2021-03-16 12:57:18]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:Brand' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:18]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:OSFamily' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:18]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:OSVersion' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:19]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:IPv4Address' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:19]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:PCModel' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:19]   [Info]  The Synchro Data Source definition for 'OCSng:PC' must be updated in iTop.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:21]   [Info]  Skipping optional attribute providercontracts_list.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:21]   [Info]  Skipping optional attribute services_list.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:21]   [Info]  [OCSPCCollector] The column tickets_list is used for storing the OCS ID in order t     o display the OCS tab on PCs. You can safely ignore the warning about it.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:22]   [Info]  The Synchro Data Source definition for 'OCSng:PCPhysicalInterface' must be updated      in iTop.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:22]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:ServerModel' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:23]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:Server' exists in iTop and is up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:23]   [Info]  The Synchro Data Source definition for 'OCSng:ServerPhysicalInterface' must be upd     ated in iTop.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:24]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:VirtualMachine' exists in iTop and is up to dat     e
    [2021-03-16 12:57:25]   [Info]  The Synchro Data Source definition for 'OCSng:LogicalInterface' must be updated in      iTop.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Ok, the Synchro Data Source 'OCSng:lnkIPInterfaceToIPAddress' exists in iTop and i     s up to date
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSBrandCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSBrandColle     ctor-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSBrandCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSOSFamilyCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSOSFamilyCo     llector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSOSFamilyCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSOSVersionCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSOSVersionC     ollector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSOSVersionCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSIPv4AddressWithZoneCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSIPv4Addres     sWithZoneCollector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSIPv4AddressWithZoneCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSPCModelCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSPCModelCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSPCTeemIpCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSPCTeemIpCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSPCPhysicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSPCPhysicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSServerModelCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServerMode     lCollector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSServerModelCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSServerTeemIpCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Warning]       [OCSServerTeemIpCollector] The column "tickets_list" is used neither for u     pdate nor for reconciliation.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServerTeem     IpCollector.raw-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSServerTeemIpCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSServerPhysicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServerPhys     icalInterfaceTeemIpCollector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSServerPhysicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSVirtualMachineTeemIpCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Warning]       [OCSVirtualMachineTeemIpCollector] The column "tickets_list" is used neith     er for update nor for reconciliation.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSVirtualMac     hineTeemIpCollector.raw-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSVirtualMachineTeemIpCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSLogicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Warning]       [OCSLogicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector] The column "speed" is used neither fo     r update nor for reconciliation.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSLogicalInt     erfaceTeemIpCollector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSLogicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSlnkIPInterfaceToIPAddressCollector beginning of data collection...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Writing to file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSlnkIPInter     faceToIPAddressCollector-1.csv'.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  OCSlnkIPInterfaceToIPAddressCollector end of data collection.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSBrandC     ollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:Brand'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:Brand' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSOSFami     lyCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:OSFamily'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:OSFamily' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSOSVers     ionCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:OSVersion'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:OSVersion' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSIPv4Ad     dressWithZoneCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:26]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:IPv4Address'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:27]   [Error] Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:IPv4Address' answered: Objects creation erro     rs: 43
    [2021-03-16 12:57:27]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:PCModel'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:27]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:PCModel' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:PC'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:PC' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:PCPhysicalInterface'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:PCPhysicalInterface' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServer     ModelCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:ServerModel'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:ServerModel' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Processing '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServerTeemIpCol     lector.raw-1.csv'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  End of processing of '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServe     rTeemIpCollector.raw-1.csv'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:28]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServer     TeemIpCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:Server'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:Server' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSServer     PhysicalInterfaceTeemIpCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:ServerPhysicalInterface'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Error] Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:ServerPhysicalInterface' answered: Objects c     reation errors: 16
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Processing '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSVirtualMachineT     eemIpCollector.raw-1.csv'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  End of processing of '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSVirtu     alMachineTeemIpCollector.raw-1.csv'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSVirtua     lMachineTeemIpCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:29]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:VirtualMachine'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:VirtualMachine' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSLogica     lInterfaceTeemIpCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:LogicalInterface'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Info]  Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:LogicalInterface' succeeded.
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Info]  Uploading data file '/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector//data/OCSlnkIPI     nterfaceToIPAddressCollector-1.csv'
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Info]  Starting synchronization of the data source 'OCSng:lnkIPInterfaceToIPAddress'...
    [2021-03-16 12:57:30]   [Error] Synchronization of data source 'OCSng:lnkIPInterfaceToIPAddress' answered: Objects      creation errors: 46

В iTop пришли две виртуальные машины, пришли правильно, один ПК пришёл как сервер, второй ПК не пришёл, установлен чистый iTop и расширения:

  • TeemIp IP Discovery Версия: 1.0.0TeemIp extension that enables IP discovery management
  • IPAM for iTop Версия: 2.7.1TeemIp application embedded in iTop for full blown IP Address Management
  • TeemIp Zone Management Версия: 2.7.1TeemIp extension to manage DNS views, zones and DNS records
    OCS Inventory Integration Версия: 1.2.0
    Вот лог ошибок:

    Что нужно настроить чтобы работало корректно? Спасибо!

Если устанавливаю расширение GitHub - TeemIp/teemip-network-mgmt-extended: Enhance TeemIP CMDB with specific network classes
то синхронизация ломается вовсе:

root@ocs:/home/kasatkin/Downloads/ocsng-data-collector# php exec.php
[2021-03-16 13:40:00] [Info] TeemIp is installed on remote iTop server
[2021-03-16 13:40:00] [Info] IP Discovery extension is installed on remote iTop server
[2021-03-16 13:40:00] [Info] TeemIp Zone Management is installed on remote iTop serve
[2021-03-16 13:40:00] [Info] IPs will be collected
[2021-03-16 13:40:00] [Info] Contact to notify: ‘Семён Касаткин’ samjon@inbox.ru (2).
[2021-03-16 13:40:01] [Info] Synchro User: ‘REST_API’ <> (2).
[2021-03-16 13:40:01] [Info] Ok, the Synchro Data Source ‘OCSng:Brand’ exists in iTop and is up to date
[2021-03-16 13:40:01] [Info] Ok, the Synchro Data Source ‘OCSng:OSFamily’ exists in iTop and is up to date
[2021-03-16 13:40:01] [Info] Ok, the Synchro Data Source ‘OCSng:OSVersion’ exists in iTop and is up to date
[2021-03-16 13:40:02] [Info] Ok, the Synchro Data Source ‘OCSng:IPv4Address’ exists in iTop and is up to date
[2021-03-16 13:40:02] [Info] Ok, the Synchro Data Source ‘OCSng:PCModel’ exists in iTop and is up to date
[2021-03-16 13:40:03] [Info] The Synchro Data Source definition for ‘OCSng:PC’ must be updated in iTop.
[2021-03-16 13:40:04] [Info] Skipping optional attribute providercontracts_list.
[2021-03-16 13:40:04] [Info] Skipping optional attribute services_list.
[2021-03-16 13:40:04] [Info] [OCSPCCollector] The column tickets_list is used for storing the OCS ID in order to dis play the OCS tab on PCs. You can safely ignore the warning about it.
[2021-03-16 13:40:05] [Info] The Synchro Data Source definition for ‘OCSng:PCPhysicalInterface’ must be updated in i Top.
[2021-03-16 13:40:05] [Error] Failed to update the Synchro Data Source. Inconsistent data model, the attribute 'speed ’ does not exist in iTop.